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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Stressed is Desserts Spelt Backwards!

If only it was that easy, right?
This topic for my blog post this week, couldn't of come at a better time. For the past three hours I have had this obnoxious headache, that is really preventing me from wanting to do anything. Lets see here this week has consisted of starting a new job, it being that "time of month", two restless nights of sleep, a killer headache two days in a row, having our bathroom remodeled, and a mental breakdown for school work overload! I keep telling myself that someone else has it a lot more rough then I do, so I suck it up and move on! I am excited to talk about stress this week. I think that we have all felt a sense of stress sometime this past month, some of us maybe everyday. This week I could really use some stress relievers more then other times. Sometimes it seems as if its impossible to get rid of all of the stress we face. Managing stress is all about taking charge: of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you deal with problems. What can stress really do to us though? Watch this three minute video found on YouTube that incorporates some science into the understanding of what stress can do to our life!

Tomorrow is Friday and my weekend can begin, I am just hoping for a nice relaxing weekend!!!
Some of my favorite ways to stress less include the following:

  • A good cardio workout either at the gym or at home
  • Reading a book
  • Taking a hot bubble bath
  • A massage
  • A nap
  • Yoga
  • A phone call with a friend
  • Closing my eyes 
  • Deep breaths

What are your favorite ways to relieve stress???


  1. Seems like everyone is stressed lately! I was talking to my co-worker (who is also stressed out) and she started taking 10 minutes each night to sit in a yoga pose on her bed. She thought of three things that went well that day, three things she was thankful for and then ended with a prayer. I tried it last night and I did feel more at ease and it helped to put things in perspective. Plus it was a great way to calm down before bed. Hope your weekend is a little less stressful!

  2. This is a very interesting, and one I wish I had been able to read during a previously extremely stressful part of my life. As for now though, to relieve my stress, I have learned that I like to go in the gym and train in a highly-focused way, maybe using a punching or something to help let out the negative energy in a constructive way. I definitely like your other tips on things to relieve stress and I will be giving some of them a try! Thanks!
