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Monday, February 24, 2014

Every Love Story is beautiful, but ours is My Favorite!

No relationship is perfect, including ours. Meet Justin, my boyfriend/best friend/soulmate! We have been dating for nearly three years and our journey began during the Winter of 2011 when we met through mutual friends. We have a healthy relationship and continue to grow each and every day together. Last May we bought our first home and have lived with each other and have learned more about each-other the past 9 months then we have the previous 2 years of our relationship. I can't wait to see what our lives have in store for each of us as individuals and as a couple. 
I am only 23 years young and not an expert on relationships but I know that being in a healthy loving relationship can be the best thing to experience on a daily basis. Justin and I understand each-other better then anyone else. 

Here is a chart that represents some factors of healthy relationships:

Here is my best advice to others in regards to relationships:
1. Listen to one another
2. Agree to disagree
3. Express your emotions and feelings
4. Be true to one another but also to yourself
5. Respect one another 
6. Laugh together
7. Love together
8. Grow together
9. Never go to bed angry at one another

I found an interesting article that expresses some tips in order to live a healthy relationship! Check it out here for building a healthy relationship from the start.

I am happy to say that I think that this suites Justin and I perfectly! 

Love is a beautiful gift when you find the right one!


  1. Hey Whitney! Looks like you and your boyfriend are a perfect match! Your relationship advice is great, and I've noticed that many of these same concepts have helped me with my relationship! Wish you and your boyfriend a long and happy relationship!

  2. I absolutely love everything about this post! It is so sweet and has such great advice!! The title of your post is just so cute!

  3. Thank you for your insight in to relationships. I have been with my wife for five years and our third child is on the way. Trust me when I say everyday is not sunshine and rainbows. It takes work and compromise.

  4. Great tips! Love your photos, too!

  5. I love this post! You and your boyfriend look so happy! Everything you posted offers great insight! I am married to my best friend and could not be happier! It is not always perfect but that is what keeps our relationship growing! Looks like you know what you want and have found your soul mate. Best of luck to you! I also love your blog #positiveenergy

  6. This is some really good advice, I especially like the never go to bed angry tip. That is one I have always heard, but probably the hardest to do.

  7. These are some excellent tips on relationships. Most of us have to learn these things the hard way. I really like how you tie-in the fact that a relationship is a two-way street. The 7 Pillars of a Healthy Relationship really depict just that. Excellent use of multimedia!
