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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hire Me!

In about a year I hope to graduate from college with a BBA with a major in marketing from Walsh College. The reason I started this blog was for my social media course this semester as a requirement for the class.I have learned so much about marketing myself on social media platforms. This week I am going to talk about becoming more desirable for employers and what characteristics employers seek! Since I am going to be graduating within a year, I need to prepare myself as much as I possibly can before seeking a career. 

5 Desirable Traits of Great Employees:
1. Accountability
2. Flexibility
3. Creativity
4. Communication
5. Passion

The following YouTube video expresses some skills that employers seek in college graduates

Another important topic that I want to discuss is tips for writing an effective resumé. You can view the article for tips when creating an effective resumé here

 1. Format Your Resume Wisely "Do the Hiring Managers" Work for Them
2. Identify Accomplishments not Just Job Descriptions
3. Quantify Your Accomplishments
4. Cater Your Resume for the Industry
5. Replace your Objective" with a "Career Summary"
6. Network. Network. Network.

Another important tool to use is the social media platform LinkedIn for professional networking. I have created a LinkedIn profile for my social media course and if you don't have one yet, you can sign-up here. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Every Love Story is beautiful, but ours is My Favorite!

No relationship is perfect, including ours. Meet Justin, my boyfriend/best friend/soulmate! We have been dating for nearly three years and our journey began during the Winter of 2011 when we met through mutual friends. We have a healthy relationship and continue to grow each and every day together. Last May we bought our first home and have lived with each other and have learned more about each-other the past 9 months then we have the previous 2 years of our relationship. I can't wait to see what our lives have in store for each of us as individuals and as a couple. 
I am only 23 years young and not an expert on relationships but I know that being in a healthy loving relationship can be the best thing to experience on a daily basis. Justin and I understand each-other better then anyone else. 

Here is a chart that represents some factors of healthy relationships:

Here is my best advice to others in regards to relationships:
1. Listen to one another
2. Agree to disagree
3. Express your emotions and feelings
4. Be true to one another but also to yourself
5. Respect one another 
6. Laugh together
7. Love together
8. Grow together
9. Never go to bed angry at one another

I found an interesting article that expresses some tips in order to live a healthy relationship! Check it out here for building a healthy relationship from the start.

I am happy to say that I think that this suites Justin and I perfectly! 

Love is a beautiful gift when you find the right one!