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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Healthy Food Choices

Who am I trying to fool? I am not a super nutritional person when it comes to my "diet". I have always been one of those picky eaters who enjoys the most un-healthy food choices. Carbohydrates are my weakness, but fresh fruits and vegetables are my strength. Pastas, rice, bread, and potatoes are some of my favorite food, and of course pizza. Some ask "well whats wrong with whole wheat pasta, rice and bread"? The answer is that whole wheat has a particular taste that doesn't mix with my picky taste buds. I am not attempting to change my entire diet over night or give up every single un-healthy food in my life. I think that small steps are what lead to better success. This week I plan to minimize my carbohydrate intake this week, and trying to find healthier snacks to eat through out the day.
I absolutely love fresh fruits and just about any type of fruit honestly. Nuts are not necessarily one of the items I would typically munch on as a snack, but have learned of amazing benefits from nuts. This week I bought a large bag of cashews and almonds to have on hand as snacks. I typically like making a small fruit salad to snack on during the day. This week I have cantaloupe, pineapple, and strawberries to enjoy! Remembering to make healthy substitutions for snacks is important as well. I have provided a You-Tube video with some of the simplest snack recipes, for those of us who have busy schedules and need quick recipes for healthy snacks.

Monday, January 20, 2014

This Future Year

Another year has come and gone! Many moments, mistakes,  life lessons, and accomplishments are now part of the past. Future dreams, wishes, and goals are now the present. To push and change ourselves to learn and live, as well as create new memories for this year. Opportunities and challenges that will come our way, pushing us to be the best we can be.

What does this future year have in store for me? What changes will be made starting today?